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I Own a Pit Bull How Will That Affect My Homeowners Insurance Rates
If you own a Pit Bull, you can almost certainly be sure to have to deal with the consequences through your homeowners insurance company. Pit Bulls, because .

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Pit Bulls and Homeowners Insurance « Pet News and Views
May 17, 2010 . “But, the home insurance agents I talked to told me if I get a Pit Bull, German Shepherd, Husky, Chow, Akita, Doberman, Rottweiler, or a mix .

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Insurance for Pit Bulls, What Insurers Accept Pitbulls | Pit Bull Dogs ...
Jul 20, 2008 . There are options out there for Pit Bull and bully breed owners, and there are home insurance companies that do not carry breed restrictions.

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Losing your home... - Pit Bull Rescue Central
We've also included a list of pit bull-friendly insurance companies and links for deployed military looking for a temporary home for their pet(s). Links to Sites that .