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What are 'Acts of God' clauses in insurance policies? | Real Estate ...
Traditionally, homeowner's insurance policies have contained an exclusion clause for damages caused by “acts of God”, a catch-all term that covers any sort of .

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What An Act Of God Means To A Home Insurance Company ...
Apr 21, 2010 . Acts of God limit what a home insurance policy will pay out. As a homeowner, it is essential to know what they are and what is covered.

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You Cannot Sue For Damage Caused By An Act Of God
The term “Act of God” is not specifically mentioned in most homeowners insurance policies although events associated with it are typically covered. Events such .

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Acts of God : Insurance Claims Lawyers
The first time you read or heard of the “acts of God” loophole found in most insurance policies, you probably either had a good chuckle, imagining some very .