Ensuring Success

HUD FHA Homeowners Fact Sheet
Premium Refund: You may be eligible for a refund of a portion of the insurance . of the property at the time the insurance is terminated is entitled to any refund.

Customer Centric

HUD - Does HUD Owe You a Refund?
[Logo: Homes and Communities: U.S. Department of Housing and Urban . Due to increased public interest, the Mortgage Insurance Premium Refund Support .

Qualified Employees

"short rate" premium refund - Farmers Insurance Group Sucks
May 5, 2006 . I was surprised when I received a premium refund from Farmers for my . I had my farmers homeowner's insurance policy with the same agent .

50 Years Strong

State Farm Appeals Home Insurance Refund
Dec 7, 2009 . State Farm Appeals Home Insurance Refund . Insurance Commissioner to repay homeowners insurance customers $310 million in premiums .