Ensuring Success

Publication 530 (2011), Tax Information for Homeowners
Insurance (other than mortgage insurance premiums), including fire and . of purchase). You figure your deduction for real estate taxes on your home as follows.

Customer Centric

Publication 936 (2011), Home Mortgage Interest Deduction
This part explains what you can deduct as home mortgage interest. It includes discussions on points, mortgage insurance premiums, and how to report .

Qualified Employees

Mortgage Insurance Premiums - Itemized Tax Deduction for ...
Mortgage insurance premiums may be tax deductible. To qualify, the insurance policy must be for home acquisition debt on a first or second home. This itemized .

50 Years Strong

When is Insurance Tax Deductible?
Mar 1, 2009 . Self-employed persons can deduct health insurance premiums . Homeowners insurance is definitely deductible for rental properties.