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Will homeowners insurance cover TV lost to power surge or ...
Electrical storms, lightning strikes or power surges are covered by the standard homeowners insurance policy. Any appliances affected by a power surge will be .

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Protect Your Property From Power Surges | Safety | State Farm
Feb 7, 2011 . Prevent power surges and voltage spikes from causing damage to home electronics. . Insurance: Auto, Home, Life & More .

Qualified Employees

Hannon-Ryan — Power surge, covered on your home insurance?
Jul 21, 2011 . With the sweltering temperatures we have been experiencing this summer usually not far behind are thunder and lightning storms. I usually try .

50 Years Strong

Lightning Insurance | Importance of Commercial Surge Protection ...
Find commercial power surge insurance coverage today. . And may not be covered by your property insurance if the damage is the result of a power surge.